V2 Beluga Buckles Now Available


The times they are a-changing!

It’s been forever since I’ve chatted with you guys here on the blog. Can you guess why? If you’ve tried to buy a wrap recently you probably can. It’s been impossible to keep anything stocked on the site!

Seriously, every time I restock you sell me out in days. Each time I up our production I’m convinced that I’ve bought myself some time...and then BAM! Ya’ll rock up and sell me out in record hours.

It makes my heart jump. I dreamed it. I hoped for it. And now that it’s here, now that Beluga Baby is a THING, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude. I started Beluga Baby when my daughter was five months old to help other new parents experience more freedom and joy in the newborn days.

When I started, I knew just a few things.

  1. I wanted Beluga Baby to never cut corners when it comes to quality.
  2. I wanted our customers to feel cherished.
  3. When it comes to customer service, it isn’t about the money. Ever.

Now I know a lot more, but those three things have stuck with me. I hope it shows. I answer every comment and customer email myself. When you leave me a Google or Facebook review I read it, revel in it, and reread it when running this business seems hard.

Because it’s not always easy. Now, I have a toddler. Now, I work during naps and from 8pm till midnight. I fight the urge to check social media when my daughter is awake. It’s a balance, always, between being available to my customers, and being available to my daughter. She wins, of course, but I want you all to know that you’re important too.

In regards to what’s going on at Beluga Baby HQ these days...well...it’s exciting stuff.

This month we’ve quadrupled our manufacturing. It’s still local, handcrafted, and the highest quality, which is why it took such a long time for us to find a solution that we could trust to increase our quantities while retaining the craftsmanship you’ve come to know and love. But we did it!

My husband quit his job and is now working for Beluga Baby. Talk about a lady boss empire right!? All jokes aside, he’s been a big part of the company from the start. He packs orders for me, streamlines my operations, and keeps me focused on the big picture when the little things start to pile up. He’s as much a part of Beluga Baby as I am, and I’m so happy that he’s able to have a bigger, more official share now.

We’re developing three new products. I do this slowly, and with intention. I can’t tell you what these products are yet, but they’re beautiful, and they’ll make you happy.

We’re expanding our colour range. We added The Lillian Wrap in blush to our permanent collection, and are releasing six new colours over the next few months. Two are new stripes, one is our very first patterned wrap. I’ll leave you with a clue about that one...kitties.

Sometime I sit and stare into space contemplating the movement that has overtaken Beluga Baby. It’s got a force of it’s own, and a strong community around it. You guys made it that way. By never settling for less in motherhood and fatherhood. By building each other up. By acknowledging that life is messy and that sharing that with each other makes hard things a little less lonely.

At this point, I feel a little like a bystander. Beluga Baby is its own personality, its own entity, and its own machine. I’m following it where it takes me, nudging it this way and that, course-correcting where necessary, but really, I’m just along for the ride.

So thank you for making it such a GOOD ride.

I want to share just a few words that have made me cry. With happiness of course.

Whenever I get an email from someone telling me how the wrap has changed their life for the better, it makesevery late night worth it. I know how hard new parenthood can be. I lived it. And it can be isolating. Knowing that you guys are building each other up, and that the Beluga Wrap is somehow part of that puts the goofiest grin on my face.

Thank you. A million times, thank you.

“The Beluga Wrap brings me so much joy. I like knowing that my baby is content and safe while I am hands free! When she naps against me she always has a longer, deeper, more restful sleep.

The other day my little Ez would not be tamed. She was fed, burped, changed and enjoying the summer breeze....while fussing non stop. I put her in my Beluga Wrap, and she immediately nuzzled in for a two hour nap! Thank you, thank you, thank you for this mama's sanity and little Ez' sweet baby dreams.”  - Cassandra Fenton

Beluga Baby Wrap Bamboo Baby Wrap

Cassandra and her daughter, Ez.

"When my daughter was born, I borrowed a few wraps from some friends to try before I committed to purchasing one of my own. I am so thankful that I had that opportunity, because the Beluga Wrap blew me away! The bamboo fabric is so breathable, unbelievably soft, and has the perfect amount of stretch to carry my baby safely and securely. When purchasing the wrap, the customer service was exceptional and Haley has been quick to answer my questions along the way, and give me tips and tricks on how to wear my baby well. I couldn't be more happy with the product or this fantastic company. What a blessing and gift it has been for me to wear my baby in this 4th trimester”. - Ashley Mammal

Beluga Baby Bamboo Baby Wrap

Ashley and her daughter. 

“As soon as the wrap arrived I noticed a difference between it and the wraps I already had. You cannot miss how incredible this fabric feels. It is incredibly soft, breathable, and lightweight. Neither you or baby will feel too hot in this wrap! Wearing my daughter is so special. You feel instantly connected. Plus I am pretty certain that Haley is part fairy as these wraps must be sprinkled with magic pixie dust because Addie falls asleep almost instantly in it every time! This is a huge help if she is fussy, and refusing to nap. I get her into the wrap and she falls asleep. A bonus is that it folds up nice and small into a little square pocket that is built into the wrap. Just toss it in the diaper bag, and go!” - Tamara Goethe

Beluga Baby Wrap Bamboo Baby Wrap

Tamara and her daughter. 

"I just wanted to send you a little note, thanking you for creating these magical wraps! I am in tears as I write this because I have just had one of the most difficult mornings with my baby girl. She is 10 months old right now, and she always goes down for a nap every morning with no tears, for some reason this morning, she would not stop crying - heartbreaking cant-stop-to-breathe crying. I was beside myself because I couldn't calm her down. Then I pulled out my wrap, quickly slipped her into it, and within a matter of minutes she was calm, and about 10 minutes after that she was sleeping.  Thank you so much for giving me sanity in this crazy life called motherhood! I don't know what I would do without this beautiful wrap.  I wish I could hug you right now!" - Bridget Siemens

1 Response

Gramma Roberta

Gramma Roberta

April 14, 2017

I’m so proud of you and happy for you !!

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