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The Samara Wrap - From Tragedy to Hope

Here at Beluga Baby, we know that motherhood comes often with it’s ups and downs. Pain mixed with joy springs forth even from birth itself, and that dichotomy is found throughout our parenthood journey. 

This year we wanted to recognize the loss too many parents realize, and we wanted to offer support to our community in a measurable, meaningful way. As we often do, we reached out to one of our favourite charity partners - Mamas for Mamas - an organization dedicated to giving mamas a hand up, and not a hand out. That lifeline so many of us take for granted yet so many are without. They work hard to eliminate the cracks that new parents can fall through. They offer support in a multitude of ways, and I’ve never encountered a more heart-forward charity. 

I reached out to see if we could design a charity wrap together, with $5 from each wrap donated to their cause. I asked if they had a particular mama they wanted to name the wrap after, and that’s when this project became larger and more touching than I ever could have imagined.

This is the story they wrote back with, asking for us to name the wrap - The Samara. 

“At the age of 16, Dawn brought the beautiful Samara Summerset into this world as a dedicated teen mama. Despite the stress of raising a baby while still being a child herself, Dawn finished high school and did post-secondary training to become an Indigenous Advocate to help at-risk kids. 

Samara lived a beautiful life for 17 years until she was tragically lost in a car accident just days before her graduation with 2 friends. It was the worst nightmare of any parent. In a twist of fate, Dawn found out she was pregnant with a miracle baby just a few weeks after her daughter passed and will soon welcome a beautiful baby into this world. 

This Samara wrap is in honour of Samara’s time on this earth and the countless lives she touched, and in honour of sweet baby Olive or Oliver when they make their debut earth side.” 

The tears fell, and this is why I do this job, why I try to connect to this community of motherhood we share earthwide. 

Such was The Samara Wrap born. Brought forth from tragedy to honour and assist those in the name of a beautiful young woman.  

See The Samara Wrap here.

Samara Beluga Wrap Mamas for Mamas Charity Wrap

Samara Beluga Wrap Mamas for Mamas

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