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Four Babywearing Mistakes to Avoid

We love babywearing!

Babywearing is an integral part of child rearing in many cultures around the world. It’s easy to see why it’s so popular – it makes breastfeeding easier, helps you bond with your baby and leaves your hands free to continue with other tasks. Studies show that skin-to-skin contact with your baby can reduce depressive symptoms in the postpartum period as well as reduce infant crying by over 40%. The key to a successful babywearing journey? Avoiding some of the most common pitfalls:

1. Not getting a good enough “seat” 

A ‘deep seat’ refers to the position in which the baby’s legs and hips are in an “M” shape. This deep spread squat ensures that your baby’s knees are higher than his bum. Not getting a good enough seat is a common problem, especially if your wrap is made of fabric that does not stretch easily. In such cases, trying to create adequate space often results in the wrap being too loose. The easiest way to avoid this babywearing mistake is to ensure that youtie your wrap correctly and snuggly. Also when getting your baby into position, make sure that you bring the fabric all the way from one knee pit to the other knee pit each time so that they’re fully supported knee to knee. This position provides ample support for your baby’s developing spine and hips. It can also sometimes help to reach in the sides of the wrap and tilt their hips gently towards you so their back curves comfortably away from them.

M Position Beluga Wrap

For help with positioning you can always reach out to our team here. 

2. Trying out babywearing when your baby is already crying 

If you’re eager to try out your new baby wrap but your baby is in a cranky mood – wait until both of you are in a calm state and then give it a go. A simple way to reduce your baby’s discomfort is to first practice tying, untying and adjusting your wrap without them in it. You can even use a soft toy or, even better, something weighted like a bag of sugar to make sure that you get the positioning and tension right. When putting your baby in a baby wrap for the first time, make sure that someone is around to lend a hand in case you need help. Once you are used to using a wrap, you can use it when going about your day as researchers found that increased carrying throughout the day results in 43% less crying overall and 51% less during the evening. When using the Beluga Wrap you can even pre-tie and then pop baby in and out of the wrap during the course of your day without having to re-tie. 

3. Using the wrong carrier for your body

Each of us has a unique and beautiful body which is why you need to use a carrier that suits your needs and preferences. When choosing a carrier, consider whether it fits your size and body type and suits your baby as well. For instance, some buckle carriers can be uncomfortable as the straps rub against the sensitive skin near your armpits. Similarly, ring slings put a lot of the strain of babywearing on one shoulder. This can be particularly painful if you’ve had back pain during your pregnancy which is a common problem, according to the experts at What To Expect. On the other hand, you might find a wrap made of soft, stretchy fabric that is fully adjustable provides maximum comfort for you and your little one. We humbly suggest one of our eco-friendly Beluga Wraps. 

4. Letting a baby’s legs hang straight

A newborn baby’s hips are more flexible for a short period which is why a carrier that encourages a baby’s legs to hang straight down is not a good choice. This position is not ideal for proper hip development and can exacerbate hip dysplasia. The International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI) promotes the spread-squat or “M” position which is the optimal hip position during the first six months. Beluga Wraps reach from knee to knee which helps to keep your baby secure in this position. 

One of the biggest benefits of our Beluga Wrap is that you can use it right from the start. Using a baby wrap early will also help ease your baby’s transition from womb to the outside world. If you’re nervous about making mistakes, you can watch videos or follow simple step by step instructions to ensure that you and your baby are healthy, happy and comfortable.

1 Response



January 18, 2023

Upto how many pounds can I carry a baby in a beluga wrap?

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