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A Few Of My Favourite Things...January 2019

As mothers (and fathers), we sometimes lose track of what makes us tick, what makes our hearts leap. The intention of this little list is to remind you that what you love is important. What moves you is important. Chase it, find it, hold it close. You can rediscover yourself in small ways, and in that, become a better parent. One that is happier, more content, more available to their children.

This is the list of what I love this month. What did you find? Leave a comment and let me know what moved you this month!

1. The Happy Broadcast

Haley at Beluga Baby Loves Good news, Giant Pandas not extinct

Are you fed up with bad news? Me too. That’s why I loved these illustrations of all the good things that happened in 2018, including my personal favourite...Yay Giant Pandas!

2. Fake Tans (no really!)

Beluga Baby loves this all natural Bronzer

I’m not a fake-tan kind of girl. Never have, never felt the need. But this winter I turned a ghastly shade of pale thanks to three full months of pneumonia that coincided with the last prime beach days of summer. So now, to combat looking like I’ve stepped off the set of The Walking Dead, I decided to give it a try. Enter Luna Bronze.

  • No chemical smell
  • Free of nasty ingredients
  • SO easy to use (even for this newbie)
I can’t recommend it enough. It is a bit on the pricier side though.https://rawcanvasskinbar.com/pages/luna-bronze-distribution


3. The YND239-20 cafe in South Korea

Beluga Baby loves the 2d comic book cafe in South Korea

This amazing cafe in South Korea looks straight out of a 2D comic book! What's not to love?

4. “Armchair Expert” podcast with Dax Shepherd

Beluga Baby loves Dax Sheperds " Armchair Experct " podcast

Something about his unique mix of self-awareness, empathy, and comedy hits me. Obviously it does for millions of others too, since it’s one of the most popular podcast on Apple. Known in many circles as “the husband of Kristen Bell aka Princess Ana from Frozen”, he has an illustrious writing and acting career in his own right. He’s also a recovered addict, a doting husband and father, and friend many an interesting celeb. Say ciao to TMZ and come here for a real inside look at celeb life on the human level. Perfect listening while you are breastfeeding!

5. Magnetic day planners from Easy Daysies

Beluga Baby loves Easy Daisies


It’s been a trying time in toddler-land in this household, and I’ve been searching high and low for tools to help me be a better mom. Less tantrums from the three-year old would also be a welcome side-effect. I love these magnetic day planners from Easy Daysies that allow you child to be a part of scheduling their day.


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